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2 Special Gifts from Love ‘n Fresh Flowers

First up today is the winner of the hand-selected collection of seeds from Jennie Love at Love ‘n Fresh Flowers! And the winner:


(please email your mailing address to me at

I’m ecstatic about the second thing Jennie has offered to do for the Botanical Brouhaha readers! This is such a gift. She will hold a Q&A session on Botanical Brouhaha on February 17th. That means you can ask her [almost] anything. Her knowledge and experience is vast as a farmer florist, business owner and wedding flower specialist. Please leave your questions in the comment section of this post or email them to Jennie will take a couple of weeks to prepare her answers to your questions and we’ll post the session right here on Monday, February 17th.

So excited about this opportunity! Thank you Jennie!

Here’s a small sampling of what Jennie creates at Love ‘n Fresh Flowers

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Now don’t be shy…ask away!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m curious what advice Jennie would give a prospective flower grower who wants to greenhouse grow cut flowers for winter sales in the Northeast. Where can I go to learn about how to do it? (Everything seems geared to warm season field and hoop house production.) Thanks!

  2. Susan says:

    Yay! I won the seeds! Thank you so much Amy and Jennie. I’m starting a cutting garden at my new studio and this is such a great gift, I’m thrilled.

  3. Susan Wright says:

    For the Q&A: I’m a grower and designer but I still have trouble with wrapping boutonnières especially with ribbon. Can you give me step by step instructions?

  4. These designs are just Beautiful!!! For the Q&A: I love the look of dahlias and have been experimenting with growing some for several years. How would I go about finding good selections for growing in the South?

  5. Kim Michel says:

    What a great idea! Thanks for this Q & A opportunity! I’ve been considering making the switch to using brown kraft paper sleeves for mixed bouquets I sell at farmers’ markets and a local grocery store. Because I transport and deliver bouquets in water, and they’re on display in buckets of water, I’m concerned that the bottom edge of the paper would get wet and start to break down. Have you had this experience or heard feedback about this from any of the retail locations where you sell your bouquets? Thanks!

  6. Elle says:

    For the Q&A: I’ve been in the horticulture industry for 15 years (mostly retail sales) and am considering the switch to cut flower farming and/or floral design. As a prospective newcomer in the wedding/event cut flower world where would you suggest I start and what is the best way to go about marketing oneself to prospective customers (wholesale floral and floral design customers). The physical act of growing flowers and designing with them is not new to me. It is more of the how do I get my foot in the door.


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