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Episode 125: Sarah Daken & Tom Precht                                      

Is This Flower Business Legit?

Ever ask yourself that question? I still do it even after all these years in the flower business. But, yesterday was one of those days that felt different as the pieces of my floral journey puzzle felt like they fell into place for 70 wonderful minutes.

An off white Heritage garden rose growing in the garden of the Botanical Brouhaha flower business

For years, I’ve been following what others might consider floral whims and wondering how (or if!) they would ever actually translate to a legitimate career…one like the dental hygiene career I had where I went to school, took a board exam, got licensed, and was given a title that told people exactly what I did for a living. When people asked, I simply had to say, “I am a Dental Hygienist”.

Lavender larkspur blooming in the garden of the Botanical Brouhhaha flower business

But growing a small plot of flowers, designing wedding flowers for a bit, writing a flower blog, hosting floral workshops for community support, and talking to people I admire on a podcast doesn’t exactly fall under a simple job title. And the confused reactions I get from people when I try to describe my job only reinforces the doubts I feel about being legit.

Anyone able to relate?

But yesterday…

I sat in our Bloom Trust Co. monthly meetup and listened as a designer described the challenges of delivering flower arrangements in NYC, witnessed the excitement building toward a new subscription business launch, and felt the struggle of a Texas flower farmer trying to figure out how to best serve clients while settling on a feasible delivery charge in the face of rising fuel costs.

And, guess what? All the years of working in the floral design profession, tending a garden, researching topics for the Botanical Brouhaha blog, and interviewing guests on the Botanical Brouhaha Podcast made sense. I had one of those rare moments of clarity as I shared some of the insights I’ve gained over all these years of following my intuition about “the next right step”, as creative business coach Julie Tobi would say.  I was able to hear and understand the needs of Bloom Trust Co. members and point them toward the answers they were seeking all because of the conversations and experiences I’ve had over the years while following my gut.

Why am I telling you all of this? To encourage you to continue following your interests, gut, passion – whatever you want to call it – knowing it will come together at some point as it did for me yesterday. Being yourself is not only legit, it is also the best way to use your life to serve others in a way only you can.

Flower on, friends!

If you’d like to attend our next meetup at Bloom Trust Co., click here to join us. We’d love to include you! You can also hear my thoughts behind starting Bloom Trust Co. on the BB Podcast here.

All images courtesy of Ten23 Photography taken in the Botanical Brouhaha Garden




  1. Heidi says:

    Thank you for sharing this Amy…my heart smiled in connection

  2. Betsy says:

    Thank you for such an eloquent and hopeful post, it resonated so much! I’ve been working on a similar story to share re: my farm’s trajectory and your reassuring words came at the right time 🙂

  3. Maggie Bailey says:

    I always love your insight! This is such a sweet encouragement!

  4. Ginny Early says:

    Love this, Amy! And I’m so SO thankful you keep listening – we need you and exactly what you’re doing!

  5. Maria says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I can totally relate and glad you are sharing your insight and wisdom with so many of us.

  6. Thank you Amy
    I have read carefully your post and I have been very impressed by the spontaneity with which you transmit your ideas and feelings, I think that this characteristic defines you and makes you so interesting. Hugs from Buenos Aires.
    Mariana Gallardo


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