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Episode 125: Sarah Daken & Tom Precht                                      

Following Your Gut in the Flower Business

One thing is for sure. I’m not exactly the same person I was when I started Botanical Brouhaha. And we’re not the same business we were at the beginning because things have changed as I trusted my gut along the way.

Sometimes it’s tempting to look back and wish I could experience some of my favorite moments just one more time. Or wish I could have a ‘do over’ on the things I wish I’d done differently.

But, it’s also a great relief to know I’m still here doing what I love. And the community we’ve built here together – you and me – over the years is thriving. It’s hard to believe. I’m so grateful!

Mostly, I’m grateful for all the ways I’ve changed and grown over the years – and the way you’ve allowed me to steer Botanical Brouhaha in the new directions I’ve felt deeply compelled to go. Turns out, y’all are good travelers!

No matter where we are on our entrepreneurial journey, change is coming. It always does. Small tweaks. Giant pivots. Personal lessons. We all know it’s coming in one form or another.

So, what doesfollowing your gut’ look like for us as business owners and flowering ambassadors of change in the world?

I have a few thoughts.

Images: Philip Winham Photo
Location: BB Flower Firm + Teen Intern office suite
Flowers: Urban Rubbish

Learn how other floral entrepreneurs are navigating change while building the flower businesses of their dreams!  Tune into the conversations on the Botanical Brouhaha Podcast.




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