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Ep. 128: Sullivan Owen                                          

Botanical Brouhaha Expert Discussion Panel: No. 59

The Question:

What do you use to carry all your essentials around during the day of an event? Apron? Dress with pockets? And what brand is your favorite? I have such a hard time carrying around all the goodies and was just curious to see if there are any clever ways and if there are some brands specific to floral designers.

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The Answers:

I use a large toolbox that I got at a hardware store; it always is ready to go with all the essential tools that I may need to use when setting up.

Francoise Weeks (Francoise Weeks)


I champion an apron for almost any activity..  I have a collection of homemade aprons made of old French linen that are just perfect to wipe a bouquet & house my essentials.

Jo Rodwell (Jo Flowers)


I have two different tools to carry my stuff around. First a big tool box, plastic, very strong, the kind you’ll find in a warehouse for any type of tools. It is packed with many different tools and things that have already saved my life many times (tapes, hammer, needles, wires, hooks, knifes, pruners, …). And I have a leather pouch that I wear as a “tool belt” (see below). I bought the pouch last year and it became my absolute best friend! It is a pouch designed especially for floral designers that comes from eastern Europe. I bought it in France through this website. I use it all the time, even in the garden or when I work in the studio, that way my pruners are always with me and I spare a lot of time not to have to search for them!


Laetitia Mayor (Floresie)


I like to wear a dress during set up as I often have to interface with the family and guests. I buy dresses with pockets for that reason. No particular brand to recommend, just whatever I find when I’m shopping. My crew wears aprons with our logo and deep pockets. And we have several tool bags we all share during set-up that are well stocked with every imaginable necessity. Again, no particular brand to recommend. Just find ones that have lots of compartments.

Jennie Love (Love ‘n Fresh Flowers)


In the past I’ve used differnt kinds of aprons and bags, but that didn’t really work. Now I use a traditional basket like this one. Sometimes I use a belt with pockets like this one (can be found in tool shops or where the hair dressers buy their equipment).

Emelie Ekborg (Svenska Blomsterbloggar and Flora Inspiro)


I wear a leather apron that I got in Australia. All of the growers and merchants wore them at the Sydney market. I was drawn to this apron because the pockets were reinforced with leather. Unfortunately every other apron I have worn simply rips at the seams as my tools cut their way through. We also have a “doctor bucket” with us. This carries an endless supply of glue, tape, wire, ribbon, corsage pins, wristlets, anything you might need. It is literally a five gallon bucket that has a fitted harness or bag on it. The bucket bags have all kids of pockets and areas for tools. They can be purchased at Home Depot or other hardware stores. We never go to a wedding without our “Dr Bucket”.


Holly Chapple (Holly Heider Chapple Flowers)

Editor’s Note: Slipping this photo in so you guys can see Holly’s leather apron (photo: Laura Carnes Photography)


I had aprons made for Bella Fiori from a local company. It is a straight black apron with “Bella Fiori” embroidered on it, classic and clean lines. It has two pockets in the front where I can carry clippers, tape, etc and also pick up any bits of trash I might find at a wedding site while setting up – leaves that need to be plucked off, etc. I love wearing aprons and think it is a nice way to let people know the company you are representing.

Alicia Schwede (Bella Fiori and Flirty Fleurs)


I carry a caddy of tools, wires, pins and  tapes in each of our delivery vans. In the height of wedding season we try our best to make sure it is replenished after each weekend! No fancy aprons for me!

Nick Priestly (Mood Flowers)


I bring my Smith & Hawken gardener’s bag to each event. It is incredibly heavy and loaded to the gills with everything you can imagine but I take it to every single event! I always look to take some items out of it to lighten the load but you never know when you’re going to need something so I never remove anything! I have all the floral necessities: Pins, tape, floral tack, scissors, clippers, wire, etc. and also installation tools: hammers, mallets, nails, glue gun, etc. and also items for my team: Band-Aids, granola bars, waters, etc.. As heavy as it is, it is really a lifesaver at most of my events! My lead designer also carries a smaller sleeker version of mine that is lighter and easier to carry around on the shoulder while we’re working. My back pocket ends up being the best spot to stick clippers and small stuff while I’m setting up.

Elisabeth Zemetis (Blush Floral Design)


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Flowers: Natural Beauties Floral



  1. Mary Beth says:

    Very helpful, as these Brouhaha discussions always are. I wonder if anyone makes something like a doctor bag that opens up, and isn’t as deep as a 5-gallon bucket.


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