I love the bouquet trend of long streamers of mixed trims & ribbons! I see many different ways to do this and wonder if some of the expert panel folks could share the specific types of ribbons or trims they like to use & why, how they select the color/length of ribbon and the method they like to use when attaching the streamers to the bouquets?
Jo Flowers | Modern Vintage Weddings
The long streams of ribbon on bouquets does indeed continue to be a popular trend. I select my ribbons from Antique shops, fabric outlets & online companies doing the silk ribbon thing, I mix these with lovely old french lace.
Jo Rodwell (Jo Flowers)
I usually wrap the handle first, then attach ribbon on top of that. Usually by having someone else hold it, facing me, while I bring the ribbon together and tie a knot or loose bow at the front. If I’m using a lot of ribbon, I might tie each piece on individually. If it’s just a few pieces, I usually tie them together.
Clare Day (Clare Day Flowers)
I enjoy mixing silks, satins, laces, and my favorite is silk dupioni. It is quite definitely an art form in its self and takes a fairly substantial ribbon stash to blend it all together. The length of the streamers is determined by the look and style we are aiming for. The bride’s dress is also obviously a big part of the decision making process. I love Midori ribbon for the silk dupioni. M&J Trimming is a joy to work with and they have everything from lace to gauze. Hanah Silk is another favorite ribbon source.
Holly Chapple (Holly Heider Chapple Flowers)
Floresie | Anna Tereshina Photography | Ribbon by Fleuropean
Well, I am ribbon crazy. I have way too many, and spend way too much in buying them, but I can’t help it 🙂 I love to use either velvet, satin, lace, linen or silk ribbons. Velvet, lace, satin and linen can be found easily in any haberdashery or vintage stores in France. As for the silk ones, I have tried several vendors and my favorites are the ones from Fleuropean (not saying this because Emily is on the panel… her ribbons are really the best ones to my opinion!). To make sure that color coordination is perfect, I always have several ribbons ready and I select them just before delivering the bouquet (or taking a picture of it).
Floresie | Alex Tome Photography | Ribbon by Silk & Willow
Floresie | Sebastien Boudot Photography
Laetitia Mayor (Floresie)
We use all types of ribbon and vintage lace for the streamers on bouquets. My favorite is silk though since it flows so easily. I like to mix and match ribbon widths, lengths, and types on a single bouquet for more visual interest. To attach them to the bouquet, I simply use pins.
Jennie Love (Love ‘n Fresh Flowers)
For hand dyed silk ribbons I love the selection available from Lancaster & Cornish. I select the colours to tone in with the colours of the flowers in the bouquet and the ribbon length will be determined on the bride’s preferences as well as her height. To attach I use a simple pearl pin.
Nick Priestly (Mood Flowers)
Ribbon! I am a very simple girl when it comes to this topic. After I finish a bouquet and secure it with waterproof tape, I simply cover the tape with grosgrain ribbon. I only tape the binding point, forming a narrow ribbon belt that I secure with pearl pins. I don’t like to bind the stems too much- it’ll tighten the shape of the bouquet. After my tape is covered, I often add streamers. I simply gather lengths of ribbon in my hand, folding them in half, and layering the colors as I like. I pierce the whole bunch of them with 2 pearl pins and secure them to the front of the bouquet. The pins grab the top of the ribbon belt, and the are pushed upwards towards the center of the bouquet itself.
Susan McLeary (Passionflower)
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You can also buy naturally dyed silk ribbons from this lady in Scotland http://www.millpondflowerfarm.co.uk/heirloom-silk