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Botanical Brouhaha Expert Discussion Panel: Session 9


The Question:

“Does anyone have a good post-wedding hand recovery treatment they would recommend? My hands are always so torn up after doing a wedding – rose thorns, blisters, scratches, splinters, wire cuts, etc.  Any good lotions or soaking treatments?” (submitted by a designer in Texas)

The Answers:

“My favorite hand cream is Crabtree and Evelyn’s gardeners hand cream – it seems to do the trick.  Everyone is different, some of our team suffer from terrible skin due to all the water and cold but personally I find not keeping your hands in too much of a soft delicate state is better.  It toughens them up and stops things like blister and splinters/ thorns happening so much – especially if you are conditioning flowers a lot. Take the rough with the smooth I suppose 😉

Gemma Bain (Planet Flowers)

“I highly recommend Gardener’s Dream Cream; from a company here in Canada. Put some on at night, before bed, and put your hands in cotton gloves. Next morning your hands will feel amazing. This cream is also excellent for bites, rashes, basically anything skin related.”

Clare Day (Clare Monica Day)

“Unfortunately, I am simply used to the pain, cuts, and blemishes and it has never occurred to me to try and make it better. Now that is a sad statement!!!”

Holly Chapple (Holly Heider Chapple Flowers)

A significant other that will massage your hands and feet morning and evening and with lotion for the couple days following an event!


Really though, I’ve found that any unscented good lotion works well. I’ve used Badger Balm and Aquaphor in extreme situations. I’m also wildly allergic to pretty much anything that grows so my hands get pretty swollen up and red after events, especially around all the small cuts.  Wearing gloves is a fairly easy preventative solution, but I’ve never really liked wearing them while I work.”

Sarah Winward

Lavender essential oil in jojoba oil for all over and Paw Paw Ointment on the scratches and cuts.  Works really well!”

-Kristy Marek (Imbue Weddings)

“I know what you mean! I have 4 products (for both hands & face) which I can’t live without. An aloe vera gel, Propolis creme, scrub and mask, all products from Forever Living Products. I use the gel and Propolis creme for everything – thorns, cuts, scratches, cracks and for moisturizing. Every now and then I give my hands a full treatment with the scrub, mask and Propolis creme. They are actually facial products but they really do wonders for my hands! I also recommend their heat lotion, for aching back, shoulders, neck, feet, etc..”

-Emelie Ekborg (Svenska Blomsterbloggar)

“My hands are pretty forgiving, so i don’t need to care much about them… just a bit of hand cream when they get really dry. One thing I do care about though, is to removing the thorns that are stuck under the skin. If you leave them, you might end up with an infection, and that is really something you want to avoid… To do this, I use an oily cream in the evening, put much of it on the sore area, place a sticking-plaster over it and go to bed. In the morning the thorn just pops out by itself and the skin heals very fast.”

-Laetitia Mayor (Floresie)

Thanks for the unique question…and thanks to the Expert Panel for your advice!

Miss Session 8? Click here to read it.



  1. Amen Holly Chapple! My hands are so far gone, they have just toughened up over the years. My oldest child is learning to play guitar and has to develop calluses. I think the same reasoning applies here.


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