

Latest Podcast

Episode 125: Sarah Daken & Tom Precht                                      

New Year. New Plans.

Well…Hello again, friends! Hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday with family and friends. Mine was packed with home cooking, long late-night talks, epic daydreaming, leisurely walks, lazy pajama-clad mornings, reconnecting with friends, and precious time with my husband (of 28 years as of yesterday) & sons. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Oh…and then there was the year-end wrestling with the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ I do what I do every day. For me, the process of considering and working through these questions at the end of a long (and usually exhausting) year are necessary to remember my mission and refocus my vision.

Sweet gum tree at Antique Rose Emporium Brenham Texas, plans for the new year

Since you are such a huge part of how I spend my days, I wanted to take a few minutes before we start the first full week of 2016 to touch base with you about the plans I have for BB for this coming year. Some things will stay the same and some things will change a little bit, but my motivation for creating BB and my desires for this little community of flower friends remains the same.

I have always dreamed of BB being a place for floral designers and flower lovers to find beauty, inspiration and encouragement. I know your schedules are grueling. I know you fight constantly to find balance between your personal responsibilities and your passion for the flower business. I know many of you get down on yourselves when you scroll through images on social media and feel like you just don’t measure up to what you see on the pages of other designers. And I hear many of you say how alone you feel in your day-to-day routines with so little time left at the end of the day to foster relationships with friends or reach out to other designers for support.

Ivy covered garden water fountain at Antique Rose Emporium Brenham Texas

Over the holidays, I thought hard about what BB currently offers you. And then I thought hard about all the things BB could potentially offer you. I struggled with those two thoughts for a couple of weeks. And, in the end, I decided to make one major change to the BB format.

In addition to posts of insanely gorgeous flowers, I desperately want to bring you more in-depth blog posts on relevant topics you are asking me about in emails.  I’m also dying to work on a couple of projects that have been floating around in my daydreams, but I can never seem to find the time to bring them to fruition. Since I’m working at full capacity and I can’t create more hours in the day, this year I’ve decided to publish BB blog posts 3 days/week instead of 5 days/week. Look for new BB posts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in 2016. This will be a big change for me and I’ve worried a bit about losing our daily connection and conversations. So…in order to stay connected, I’ll be on Facebook and Instagram throughout the week posting fun flower features, sharing daily crushes and chatting about what’s on your mind.

Old Blush rose covered fence at The Rose Emporium Brenham Texas, plans for the new year

I’m excited about what we’ll be able to share and accomplish together in 2016. I never dreamed that BB would bring me so much joy and open the door to so many meaningful friendships. Thank you for flowering alongside me for the last 6 years!

Meet me back here tomorrow. We start off the year with a special guest!

(Images from an afternoon at The Antique Rose Emporium)

We hope you enjoyed our plans for the new year!
Click here to see images from another quick trip we made to The Antique Rose Emporium one March day.


  1. Beth says:

    Happy New Year Amy! Thanks for providing all of us designers with inspiration and good luck with your fun new endeavors that you are allowing yourself time for! I’m excited to see what BB has in store for 2016!!

  2. Amy says:

    I hope your plan for three days instead of five days of posts each week will help you produce what you are looking to achieve. However many times you post, I will be eagerly checking to see what you do. You do mighty fine content, ma’am.

  3. Alison Ellis says:

    Happy 2016, Amy! Your plans sound inspired. You do so much for our floral community. Thanks for all of your insight and inspiration. BB is a gem! Looking forward to what you have in the works!


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