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Recap of NYC 2014 Chapel Designers Conference: Day Three

The final day of the Chapel Designer Conference began with a trip to the Flower Market…

market unnamed



…followed by a tour of the Martha Stewart offices…

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The rest of the day was spent at the Hilton’s rooftop lounge…


Sean Low, Founder and President of The Business of Being Creative LLC, gave advice on proposals, contracts, pricing and valuing a creative business. He blew our minds…really. His thoughts and ideas made everyone stretch and think outside the box.

We ended the conference on a (very) high note…watching Sarah (Saipua) and Nicolette (Nicolette Camille) design a compote arrangement and bridal bouquets. These women are insanely talented and also extremely kind and open. Again, I was stunned by the honesty and humility shown by two designers at the top of our industry.


Nicolette explained the shapes and forms she looks for when choosing blooms.


Sarah worked on building a strong foundation for the compote design.


Nicolette shared design tips while slowly pulling together a stunning bridal bouquet.


…Nicolette’s completed bouquet…


…Sarah’s completed bouquet. Notice the huge Japanese ranunculus in both bouquets!

As the afternoon drew to a close, the Chapel Designers began saying their goodbyes. We left feeling inspired and excited…with a little sadness about leaving friends we know we won’t see for a while. Thank you, Holly Chapple, for giving everything you have to make a difference in the lives of so many.



  1. Laura Cogan says:

    Thanks for taking us on that incredible journey! Wish I was there with you guys, and looking forward to my own experience next year! Yes, it blows my mind every day how fortunate we are to be in this industry. Seems like working with flowers attracts incredibly passionate people, so giving, kind, and so willing to share our knowledge with the world, to spread the flower love around!


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