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Episode 125: Sarah Daken & Tom Precht                                      

BB Podcast Bonus Episode: Natalie Gill Joins the Circle

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BTCO Circle Mood Board

TODAY’S GUEST: Natalie Gill | Native Poppy

TOPIC: Introducing the Bloom Trust Co. CIRCLE


Natalie’s mission to work hard and be nice resonates with me, so it’s no surprise that she’s made several guest appearances on the Botanical Brouhaha Podcast over the years talking about everything from Finding Your Mojo to Pricing & Delivery Charges  to Marketing tips.

But today she’s on the BB Podcast so we can let you in on a little dream we’ve been working on together. While this dream is taking shape under the Bloom Trust Co. umbrella, we want to make it perfectly clear that you do NOT have to be a Bloom Trust Co. member to join Natalie and me in what we’re talking about today. Every single one of you is invited!

In this episode, we’re unveiling Bloom Trust Co. CIRCLE  and chatting about why we created it and our wildest dreams for how it will serve all who choose to sit with us over the coming months.

What is Bloom Trust Co. CIRCLE?

The circle is a place to lay down the day-to-day pressures of running, building, or anticipating a flower business. For 8 weeks, you’ll be surrounded by encouraging peers as you relax into the transparency facilitated and modeled by your hosts, Amy McGee (Botanical Brouhaha + Bloom Trust Co.) and Natalie Gill (Native Poppy). Bring your challenges, dreams, and questions. We’ll tackle them one-by-one. Feeling lost and unsure what to even ask? No worries. Listening to your thoughts, understanding where you’re coming from, and helping you formulate a plan that’s true to who you are is our strength. We can’t wait to chat flowers with you!

As part of the CIRCLE, you’ll find: 

  • access to the collective knowledge of your hosts and your CIRCLE peers
  • fluid topic discussions based on your current needs and challenges
  • unhurried time to listen and be heard
  • connection with others in the floral profession
  • a wide range of backgrounds and experiences represented by members
  • a culture of encouragement: When You Win, We All Win!


Details (SOLD OUT)


  • Dates: September 27, 2021 – November 19, 2021
  • CIRCLE will meet 2 hours per week for 8 weeks (exact days to be chosen by the group)
  • We will keep the CIRCLE small with just 7 members to ensure each CIRCLE member feels supported
  • One full scholarship will be awarded to the CIRCLE


BONUS: Each CIRCLE member will receive a ONE YEAR membership to Bloom Trust Co. — a curated collection of floral resources you can trust. Current Bloom Trust Co. members get an additional 12 months added to their current membership.

CIRCLE is for you if you’ve ever said: 

  • “I just can’t seem to get ahead.”
  • “My mind is all over the place.”
  • “I need answers, but I’m overwhelmed by all the options.” 
  • “I want to learn, but I don’t have time to take a course, read a book, or attend a conference.”
  • “I’m too busy!!”
  • “As much as I want to do something for myself, I just can’t take on one more thing.”
  • “There’s too much going on in floral education these days. I give up!”
  • “How am I supposed to solve the problem I’m having today while I’m in the thick of it without an extra hour to look for the answer?”
  • “I’m tired of the break-neck pace. How can I slow down and still impact the world through my flowers?”

white wooden circle on white background

peach line for circle launch

Today’s episode is brought to you by:

Looking for floral resources you can trust and a safe place to ask questions? Check out the carefully vetted and curated resources available at Bloom Trust Co. 

Host: Amy McGee (Botanical Brouhaha)

BB+ Podcast Sound Engineer: Grayson McGee

Music Written & Performed by: Landon McGee




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