image via Peartree
The Question:
Do you get wedding day/event day jitters? If so, how do you calm them?
The Answers:
I get wedding day jitters every single time. I think the day I don’t have them is the day I should quit. Years ago when I did my first wedding I thought “Once I do this for a while, I won’t be so scared.” Then I realized that I would always be a nervous wreck because every single weekend is essentially my first day on the job. As wedding and event designers we have this one day to make perfect, it’s our first and possibly only chance to impress. We are working with a new boss every single weekend. How I calm the jitters is a bit odd, but I simply ask myself “Is anyone going to die over it?” Seriously, when I am driving down the road afraid that I may be late or that everything is not just perfect I say “Is anybody gonna die over it?” As long as the answer is no, I just keep moving forward doing the best I can do. If I fail will anybody die over it!!!
–Holly Chapple (Holly Heider Chapple Flowers)
Surely we all do to some extent! Being as organized as physically possible is the best way for me to feel calm about everything. The more organized I am the more I feel in control and the less nervous I am about the day. We also drink A LOT of coffee, generally with the accompaniment of chocolate..
-Gemma Bain (Planet Flowers)
Oh yes, every time! I think most designers have 😉 But I actually think it’s a good sign. It proves that we care, we are passionate, we always want to do our best, be on top of everything and we want the event to be breath taking. How to handle it? Well, I just try to break, relax and not to drink too much coffee (coffee just makes it worse 😉 ) I also do lots of check lists. It gives me a great overview and I can see what’s done, what’s left, what to bring, etc.
-Emelie Ekborg (Svenska Blomsterbloggar)
Even after ten years I still feel a little nervous just before I hand over the bridal bouquet. I think this is normal and actually a good thing. It means that I still care so much about the product. I am very aware that the bouquet is probably the first thing a bride sees on her wedding day that she hasn’t seen already, unlike the dress or even her hair and make up which she will likely have had a trial for. Normally a bride’s reaction calms any nerves. With regards to the other wedding flowers, if the wedding is a large one and there is a lot of set up regarding the ceremony flowers and centerpieces then usually the adrenaline kicks in and there is no time for jitters!
-Nick Priestly (Mood Flowers)
Designing for a wedding is stressful, oh yes. When you think that you are doing flowers for a “once-in-a-lifetime” celebration,… yes sometimes it makes me nervous. The first thing I do about it is to clarify very precisely with my customers what they are expecting, and what they are not expecting. At the same time, I make it really clear what I will do and deliver and what I will not do and/or deliver. The whole project is packed in a nice presentation describing flowers, colors, style and inspiration pictures… and I stick to it, I really do. Most of my couples until now gave me the feedback that they were very happy to get exactly what they were expecting… it feels good for them (not to be upset by something unexpected on their D-day) and for me (to please them!). The second thing I do is to make sure I have people around me to help out during the day… freelancers, friends, family, you-name-it. But really people you can trust and that believe in you and will keep the atmosphere smooth and will help where needed.
-Laetitia Mayor (Floresie)
After 6 years in this business I still get jitters before my events. Nothing like the nerves when I first started, but I still get a sense of butterflies in my stomach the night before and usually arrive at my studio around 6:30a.m. on event day to check on everything whether or not I really need to be there that early! I find being super organized, mentally walking through the setup of the whole event and telling my staff exactly what we will be doing before we get on site calms my nerves about any timing issues and also keeps the setup as seamless as possible. Although jitters and nerves can wake me up in the middle of the night I actually think it’s what keeps me on my toes for every event and adds excitement. Without it I might not have the energy to keep up with the crazy wedding season!
-Elisabeth Zemetis (Blush Floral Design)
Fourteen years in this business and I still get wedding/event day jitters. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, it just means that we really care about our clients and want them to have the day they’ve dreamed of. However, I have found that after the event is all set up and done a nice and cold margarita is quite refreshing and calming!
-Alicia Schwede (Bella Fiori & Flirty Fleurs)
Thanks Alicia, Elisabeth, Laetitia, Nick, Emelie, Gemma & Holly!
Happy Wednesday!
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I had to medicate myself My assistant could not stand me any longer.. LOL I had such anxiety it was sooo bad. went to the Dr. 3 years ago, feel like a million bucks. I dont feel bad about it at all. I am a better person to be around, do amazing work, and my brides are happy with me. I NEVER feel that way again…
I want whatever you have Great flower lady! Lol
What a great post today! Love the “Is anyone gonna die over it” mantra! I’ll have to try it.
Great advice from Holly’s mantra to Alicia’s margarita. I try to remind myself that perfection doesn’t exist. Flowers make it irrelevant.