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Episode 125: Sarah Daken & Tom Precht                                      

Botanical Brouhaha Expert Discussion Panel: No. 53

The Question:

What tools do you use to create your proposal template? Have you seen any creative tools used to create them? There are so many elements to take into consideration that it can seem like too much sometimes and other times too little to make sure the client understands your vision.

6a0133ecf3e2a9970b01b8d07c80aa970c-800wi pixies petals and  Josh Elliott Photography

The Answers:

I use QuickBooks online. This allows me to do a proposal and keep everything in our system for the accountant. During a consultation I start creating an invoice in QuickBooks, it is calculating costs as I work with the clients. I save all terms and policies in a template and they are added to each invoice.

Holly Chapple (Holly Heider Chapple Flowers)

My proposals are simply typed up on a Word document with our logo at the top. Each flower design, plinth, candelabra, mirror or tea light is itemized which provides a detailed and comprehensive quotation. This is sent out after a detailed (1-1.5 hour) consultation with my client and I send descriptions rather than photographs. Each of my weddings and events is unique so I often don’t have a previous photo to send anyway.

Nick Priestly (Mood Flowers)

My floral proposal is formatted in Windows with my logo header/footer and everything is itemized and thoroughly detailed. Certain items such as bridal bouquet, centerpieces, ceremony decor is usually more thoroughly detailed as those are the items that my brides really want to be able to envision. I list specific colors, flower varieties, foliage, shape, container ideas, etc.. I also include an email with links to pictures of my past work that is similar in style, color or flower choices so they can have a visual of what their flowers will look like. I find including pictures is a major help to my clients since most of them don’t know specific flowers, etc. and it seems to solidify whatever is written in the proposal.

Elisabeth Zemetis (Blush Floral Design)

As I am working on Apple, I am using their software suite. Namely “Numbers” for the spreadsheet to estimate the prices and “Pages” to prepare the actual proposal. “Pages” is very easy to use and allows me to quickly insert images, create cool designs and export the whole as a high quality PDF format which is the format my customers receive the proposal in. As in any case, I do not believe in specific software, I think what you put in the proposal, the fact that it is beautiful and unique, and shows your style and your attention to details (already at this stage!) is what makes a winning proposal.

Laetitia Mayor (Floresie)

Fab-You-Bliss-Kate-Elizabeth-Photography-Eco-Conscious-Wedding-Inspiration-06  Kate Elizabeth Photography and pixies petal

Flowers: Pixies Petals

Photo of bouquets: Josh Elliott Photography

Photo  of centerpiece: Kate Elizabeth Photography

  1. Emily says:

    I use file maker which who is a graphic designer branded and personalized for me! It makes the proposal process so easy for me and looks professional and unique to my business. You simply put your descriptions of the product, then prices on the next page which automatically calculates the totals, then it has my agreement, and then it has a payment schedule with due dates. My clients are always impressed with their proposals! I highly recommend him! He also designed my website and logo.


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